Lodge Bylaws

Nā Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge Rules

The following Lodge Rules reflect the latest revision as approved on June 14th, 2023.


Lodge Mission

The mission of this Lodge is to fulfill the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.

Article 1: Lodge Name and Affiliation

SECTION A: The Lodge shall be known as: Nā Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge #567, Aloha Council #104, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision of the council camping or program committee and the administrative authority of the Scout Executive.

SECTION B: The totem of this lodge is the Pueo owl. 

SECTION C: The Lodge will be divided into Chapters that align with their respective Scouting districts.

SECTION D: New Chapters may be added when the Council creates a new district. Likewise, Chapter membership may be realigned as districts are.

SECTION E: A Chapter may, with the approval of two thirds (⅔) of its dues paying members, have the right to choose its own name. A Chapter may only vote to change after two years have passed under its current name.

Article 2: Requirements and Procedures for Election and Membership into the Lodge

SECTION A: The requirements for membership in this Lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

SECTION B: Election into the Lodge must be conducted by the Chapter Visitations Committee and must be filed with the Lodge Vice Chief of Visitation.

SECTION C: The procedure for the Ordeal shall be as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook, and the Guide to Inductions.

Article 3: Lodge Administration

SECTION A: The following are Lodge administrative positions:

A: Supreme Chief of the Fire: The Scout Executive is the final authority over the Lodge. For this reason, the Scout Executive holds the title of Supreme Chief of the Fire.

B: Lodge Adviser: The Scout Executive appoints an adult volunteer each year to serve as the Lodge Adviser. As Deputy Supreme Chief of the Fire, the Lodge Adviser acts on behalf of the Scout Executive in guiding the day-to-day affairs of the Lodge.

C: Lodge Staff Adviser: The Scout Executive can elect to appoint a member of the Council professional staff to this position. The Staff Adviser, as Chief of the Fire, acts on behalf of the Scout Executive in giving guidance to the Lodge Adviser and the Lodge Officers. With support and counsel from the Scout Executive, it is the Staff Adviser’s role to see that the Lodge adheres to National policy.


Article 4: Lodge Organization

SECTION A: All Lodge and Chapter Officers must attend the Lodge Leadership Development Conference, otherwise their election may be voided. They may be excused from attending the Lodge Leadership Development Conference by the Lodge Adviser in consultation with the Lodge Chief.

SECTION B: The following are approved officer positions:

A: Lodge Chief: This officer is responsible for the administration of the Lodge in accordance with the current edition of the Order of the Arrow Handbook, Guide for Officers and Advisers, and the current Lodge Rules. This officer is responsible for appointing the Vice Chiefs of Committees, and reviewing the actions of all Lodge Committees. Likewise, they are responsible for directing and reviewing the actions of the other Lodge Officers.

B: Lodge Vice Chief of Visitation: This officer is responsible for the supervision of elections of new members into the Lodge, and any other duties assigned by the Lodge Chief. This officer will have a standing committee formed by the Vice Chief to work with them. In the event of absence of the Lodge Chief, this officer will assume the duties of the Lodge Chief. 

C: Lodge Vice Chief of Membership: This officer is responsible for completion and maintenance of Lodge membership rolls and mailing lists. This officer is responsible for event registration and keeping membership documentation on each Lodge member up to date as well as communicating with each Lodge member about their appropriate documentation.  This officer will have a standing committee formed by the Vice Chief to work with them, and will be responsible for any other duties assigned by the Lodge Chief.

D: Lodge Vice Chief of Program: This officer is responsible for the planning and execution of Lodge events and Council activities that require OA involvement. This officer will also work with their fellow Vice Chiefs in the execution of the Lodge Ordeal. This officer will have a standing committee formed by the Vice Chief to work with them, and will be responsible for any other duties assigned by the Lodge Chief.

E: Lodge Vice Chief of Finance: This officer is responsible for maintaining sound Lodge Financial Records – income, expense, dues, budget, etc, including the preparation and composition of the annual Lodge Budget.. This officer works closely with their adviser and the Council in matters relating to income, expenses, and auditing. This officer supervises receipt of all income from Lodge members, activities, events, and deposits receipts in the OA account with the Lodge Finance Adviser through the Council Service Center. This officer will have a select standing committee formed by the Vice Chief to work with them.

In addition, the Lodge Treasurer:

  • Works closely with the Lodge Financial Adviser and members of the Finance Committee;
  • Works with the Vice Chiefs of Membership on the collection of lodge dues;
  • Sets up and maintains the Lodge financial record book;
  • Prepares financial statements for the Lodge Executive Committee; and

Keeps the Lodge Executive Committee aware of their adherence to the Lodge Budget.

F: Lodge Vice Chief of Ceremonies: This officer is responsible for any Ordeal or Brotherhood ceremonies held by the Lodge, as well as any activities connected with the Lodge ceremonies team. As well, this officer is responsible for any Native Hawaiian, Chamorro, Samoan and Micronesian activities conducted by the Lodge. This officer is responsible for any other duties assigned by the Lodge Chief.

G: Lodge Vice Chief of Tech/Comm: This officer is responsible for the completion and publication of the Pueo Newsletter at least four times annually. This officer is responsible for the Lodge’s web activities, including the Lodge website. This officer is responsible for the mailing of function/dues reminders. This officer will record and publish minutes of each Executive Committee meeting. Any additional methods of communication the Lodge elects to utilize shall also be under their supervision. This officer is responsible for any other duties assigned by the Lodge Chief. 

H: Lodge Vice Chief of Trading Post: This officer is responsible for maintaining a listing and an accounting of the inventory of Lodge items, as well as the procurement and selling of stock. This officer will provide the Lodge Chief with information as to the status of the Lodge supplies at each function for the purposes of maintaining proper levels of supplies.

I: Immediate Past Lodge Chief: Acts as an adviser to the Lodge Officers. This officer may, if they elect, take on special duties to aid the working of the Lodge.

SECTION C: Approved Chapter Officer Positions

A: Chapter Chief

B: Chapter Vice Chief of Visitation

C: Chapter Vice Chief of Programs

D: Chapter Vice Chief of Comm/Tech

E: Chapter Vice Chief of Membership

F: Chapter Vice Chief of Ceremonies

G: Chapter Vice Chief of Finance

The responsibilities for these officers will be similar to those described for the Lodge Officers except on a Chapter level. Chapter officers will be responsible for working closely with their Lodge Officer counterparts. Chapters may have multiple positions of the same title as a result of high membership levels, or other necessity, except for the position of Chapter Chief. If multiple positions of the same title are created, their duties must be specifically delineated so as to not overlap.

SECTION D: The officers of the Lodge and Chapters shall be elected annually at a regular meeting and shall be installed to take office January 1 with their terms of office ending on December 31. Candidates for Lodge office must follow Lodge candidate approval procedures prior to qualifying for election.

SECTION E: The Lodge Executive Committee shall be made up of the following voting members: Lodge Officers, Chapter Chiefs, and the immediate past Lodge Chief. The executive committee shall be made up of the following non-voting members: The Scout Executive, Lodge Adviser, Lodge Staff Adviser, Chapter Advisers, and all current Section Officers who are current members of Nā Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge. The Lodge Chief shall act as Chair of the Lodge Executive Committee.

SECTION F: The Lodge and Chapter Advisers shall be appointed annually in accordance with the procedures contained in the current edition of the Guide for Officers and Advisers. The Lodge Adviser shall report to the Scout Executive when any Chapter Adviser is derelict in their duties and appropriate action will be taken.

SECTION G: The Lodge Executive Committee has the power to remove any Lodge or Chapter Officer from their elected position, who, in their eyes, have not performed their duty.

SECTION H: The Lodge Chief shall appoint such committees as may be required with the approval of the Lodge Adviser. An Adviser shall be appointed to each committee by the Lodge Adviser. The Chapter Chief and Chapter Adviser will do likewise on the Chapter level where needed.

SECTION I: The Lodge Executive Committee shall be the steering committee of the Lodge. It shall examine problems and through the Lodge Committees carry out the business of the Lodge. 

SECTION J: A vacancy in any office of the Lodge in prior to the completion of that term of office will be filled by a designee of the Lodge Chief with the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee, until the next Lodge election is held. A new Lodge Chief will be appointed by the Lodge Executive Committee in the event the present Lodge Chief is no longer able to fulfill the duties or obligations of their office.

SECTION K: A vacancy in any Chapter officer position, except that of Chapter Chief shall be filled by the appointment of the Chapter Chief with the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee. A vacancy in any Chapter Chief position shall be filled by appointment of the Lodge Executive Committee. Whenever a Chapter Chief position is to be filled by appointment, the Lodge Executive Committee will receive recommendations from the Chapter Adviser for consideration.

SECTION L: As part of fulfilling the position each Lodge Officer is elected to and serves the Lodge, it is a requirement that each Officer and each Officer-Elect for Lodge office as well as Chapter Chief and Chapter Chief-elect be in attendance and participate in the Lodge Leadership Development each year: The Lodge Leadership Development is where position requirements, role expectations, and calendar planning will take place, as well as where Lodge Leadership, with the direction and guidance of the Lodge Chief, will lead the training and goal setting for the upcoming year.

Article 5: Lodge Meetings

SECTION A: The Lodge schedule of events for the upcoming year will be established and finalized annually at the Lodge Leadership Development. Additional activities may be scheduled by the Lodge Executive Committee.

SECTION B: Special meetings of the Lodge Executive Committee or of the Lodge may be called by the Lodge Chief with approval of the Scout Executive or the Lodge Adviser.

SECTION C: Members of the Order of the Arrow twenty-one (21) years of age or older shall not have any vote in any decision of the Lodge.

SECTION D: All Order of the Arrow functions shall be attended in the official, respective Scouting uniform with the Order of the Arrow sash. In the event that the task at hand is unbecoming of the uniform, this act may be wavered.

SECTION E: All Lodge meetings will be conducted by the Lodge Officers. The Lodge Chief will preside and can appoint non-officers the duties of part of the program.

SECTION F: All functions of Lodge and chapter will follow the guidelines published in the most current edition of the BSA Guide to Safe Scouting.

Article 6: Ordeal Membership

SECTION A: The Ordeal induction fee shall be established by the Lodge Executive Committee as will the fees for all Lodge functions. The Ordeal Induction fee will cover the following: a) Order of the Arrow Handbook, b) Order of the Arrow Sash, c) Order of the Arrow Membership Card, d) Lodge Flap Patch, e) Lodge dues for calendar year, f) fellowship expense, g) Lodge planbook distribution, h) Brotherhood Sash, and i) Brotherhood membership card

SECTION B: All Lodge funds shall be handled through the Council Service Center. Bills authorized by the Lodge Chief and Finance Chair which are approved by the Finance Adviser shall be paid by the Council office.

SECTION C: The Lodge dues shall be the amount set by the Lodge Executive Committee. The change of the amount of dues will be made only as follows:

A: Three-fourths (¾) of a quorum of the Lodge Executive Committee must approve.

B: Changes can be made no more often than once a year.

SECTION D: Lodge dues will cover, at minimum, those dues and fees owed to National upon re-charter. No portion of the dues will be apportioned between the Lodge and Chapters.


A: Tacking extra fees onto dues payments as a means of a penalty or late fee is not allowed. The Lodge may choose to offer “Early Bird” registration discounts on a sliding scale if approved by the Lodge Executive Committee.

B: Inactive members are those that have not paid their dues in one year. They may restore their membership by paying the dues which will be owed upon the Lodge’s re-charter with National.

SECTION F: Dues may be paid at any time either online through the tentaroo function, at any Lodge function, through the Nā Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge Vice Chief of Membership, or at an Aloha Council Service center.

Article 7: Brotherhood Membership

SECTION A: Completion of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

SECTION B: Chapters may host Brotherhood ceremonies outside of normal Lodge functions. In order to host a Brotherhood Conversion, a Chapter must complete the following:

A: A Ceremony Team that will perform the ceremony must follow the guidelines outlined by the Lodge Bylaws. Additionally, the team must be successfully evaluated by the Lodge Vice Chief of Ceremonies before the weekend in order to perform the ceremony.

B: The registration procedures for the Chapter Weekend must be approved by both the Lodge Chief and the Lodge Vice Chief of Membership. Chapters must present a plan for registration, candidate eligibility, and reporting to the Lodge records.

SECTION C:  If a Chapter holds a Brotherhood Conversion ceremony, a Lodge Officer or the Brotherhood Conversion Chair must be present to observe the Ceremony.

Article 8: Lodge Patches

SECTION A: Lodge function patch designs shall be approved in the manner decided by the Lodge Chief.

SECTION B: Lodge flaps shall be approved by the Lodge Executive Committee prior to their production or sale. In accordance with National Policy and the spirit of our order there will be no restrictions on the sale of our flap to our Lodge members. At functions with ceremonies, sales may be delayed until after the completion of the ceremonies.

The Lodge shall have one official standard issue flap patch design.

Speciality Lodge flaps approved for events (such as Anniversaries, NOAC, Conclaves, Camp Staff, etc.) shall be available for all Lodge members to purchase.

Fundraising flaps may be produced with profits being applied to a separate fund. The Lodge Executive Committee may determine how the funds are dispersed at the Lodge Leadership Development.

Article 9: Election of Officers

SECTION A: Lodge elections shall be held annually at a Lodge meeting.

SECTION B: Candidates for office shall have their eligibility certified by the Lodge Vice Chief of Communications.

SECTION C: Eligibility shall be defined as follows:

A: Less than twenty-one (21) years of age for the entire term of office.

B: Current dues paying member of the Lodge.

C: Current member of a Unit or registered with Scouts BSA in some other manner.

D: Active in the Lodge for the past year (have attended at least three (3) Chapter meetings and two (2) Lodge functions during the preceding year.

E: Receive approval from the Lodge Adviser and/or Lodge Staff Adviser.

SECTION D: The eligibility requirements may be altered only if the Lodge Executive Committee feels that extenuating circumstances are present beyond the candidate’s control.

SECTION E: The election will be presided over by the Lodge Chief and votes will be counted by the Lodge Adviser and one (1) non-voting member from each Chapter.

SECTION F: Voting eligibility shall be defined as being less than twenty-one (21) years of age and active in the Lodge for the past year.

SECTION G: The Lodge Chief, if they should see the need, may appoint a Nominating Committee at least two weeks prior to elections which will present a complete slate of Officers.

SECTION H: Each Arrowman may choose to run for two Lodge level officers choosing a sequential first and second choice. No Arrowman may run for more than two offices. If there is a vacancy because no one runs for a particular office, the Lodge Chief may appoint an Arrowman to fill the role with the approval and consent of the Lodge Adviser and Lodge Staff Adviser.

Article 10: Ceremonies Team

SECTION A: The Lodge will have a Ceremonies team on a lodge-wide basis.

SECTION B: The team will consist of a team for Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies.

SECTION C: Membership on the Ceremonies team is open to any member who learns any one of the parts for the Ordeal or Brotherhood ceremonies to the satisfaction of the Lodge Vice Chief of Ceremonies.

SECTION D: All persons on this team are entitled to wear a token approved by the Lodge Executive Committee and earned under the rules set by the Vice Chief of Ceremonies and approved by the Lodge Executive Committee.

Article 11: Honors, Awards, and Recognitions

SECTION A: Vigil Honor Membership

Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.

The Lodge Chief shall appoint a Vigil Committee and a chairman for the committee. Membership on the committee will be open to any youth Lodge member with the exception of any member who would be subject to consideration for Vigil Honor membership. Each Chapter shall have at least one member on this committee. An Adviser to the committee will be appointed by the Lodge Adviser.

The Lodge Adviser and Vigil Adviser shall ensure that two-deep leadership requirements are met at all meetings. Adult participation and involvement shall be kept to a minimum. No adult may be present during deliberations of the committee without the permission from the Lodge Adviser and/or the Vigil Adviser.

In keeping with the current Guide to Officers and Advisers as well as Article 4 Section C of these bylaws, only youth members may vote upon decisions.

The Adviser to the committee shall collect Vigil nomination forms from the Lodge membership and provide them to the committee. The Adviser shall also provide a list of all Vigil eligible youth to the committee.

The number of slots allotted to the Lodge by National shall not be shared with the committee. The number shall not be considered when voting upon members unless the number of selected candidates is larger than the number allotted. In that case, the Adviser will tell the committee that they need to “whittle down” the list.

Voting shall be by secret ballot. A candidate shall require a super-majority of votes to be selected. Unanimous voting shall not be required as this empowers a single voting member to sway the entire process and decide who is “not” to be selected.

Only after the youth candidates have been selected will deliberations on adult candidates occur.

The same process used to select youth will be used to select adults. The Vigil Ceremony will be conducted by persons appointed by the Vigil Committee.

SECTION B: Founder’s Award:

In keeping with the current Guide to Officers and Advisers as well as is outlined in Article 4 Section C of these bylaws, no member aged twenty-one (21) or older may vote upon any decision of this Lodge.

The Lodge Chief, with advice and approval of the Lodge Adviser, Lodge Staff Adviser, and Supreme Chief of the Fire, shall annually appoint a Founder’s Award Committee.

Annually, the Lodge Adviser, with advice of the Lodge Chief and the Lodge Staff Adviser, shall appoint an adult adviser to the Founder’s Award chairman.

Annually, the Lodge Chief shall appoint a youth (under age 21) to lead the Founder’s Award Selection Committee. The committee shall consist of:

A: A youth representative from each chapter. Previous recipients of the Founder’s Award who are under the age of 21 shall be given preference in selection for serving on this committee.

B: The Lodge Chief may appoint two additional youth to serve as “members at large”.

C: The Lodge Chief is an ad-hoc non-voting member of this committee.

D: All previous Founder’s Award recipients, regardless of age, are encouraged to participate in the committee in the following manner:

1: All deliberations shall remain within the Committee and shall not be shared with the general membership of the Lodge.

2: De facto youth members of the Committee (previous recipients of the award) younger than age 21 may vote.

3: Adult Founder’s Award recipients age 21 or older are encouraged to participate in the selection committee by serving as Associate Advisers to the committee. Associate Advisers are encouraged to discuss prospects and help create consensus. Youth members of the committee are encouraged to listen to the recommendations made by these adult advisers. However, no adult shall pressure any youth regarding their vote on award presentation.

4: The role of the Adult Advisers on the committee is not to select the next award recipient. However, their role is to mentor and advise the youth committee as to the qualities of award candidates as well as knowledge about adults unknown to the youth. This “adult association” is an important “Scouting Method” that should not be overlooked as it is particularly important to preserve the history and integrity of the award. The inclusion of previous recipients who are adults is meant to provide a means to introduce and educate the youth to the long-standing history of this Lodge in selection of recipients and to preserve the high honor of the award. Advisers introduce the youth to the histories of the adults who serve for many years and may have been considered in the past but were not selected.

5: Other than following the guidelines of these bylaws, having youth who are non-recipients of the award serve in the selection process is meant to educate the youth of the significance of the award and to provide a means by which this significance is conveyed to all other members of the Lodge. No requirements shall be placed upon the award except those which are outlined in the current Guide to Officers and Advisers.

Article 12: Amendment of the Lodge Rules

SECTION A: At any time, the Lodge Executive Committee may waive any part of these rules. It will require a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the committee.

SECTION B: The Lodge Rules shall be subject to amendment at any regular or special meeting of the Lodge Executive Committee provided such amendments have been submitted in writing to the Lodge Executive Committee no less than one (1) month period to the meeting. A two-thirds (⅔) vote of all of the members of the Lodge Executive Committee shall be required for an amendment to the Lodge Rules to be passed.